MagSafe holder. / MagSafeホルダー
Experiment of the Day. MagSafe holder. It seems to have various applications.※ The magnet is not a LEGO produc […]
Smiling biped / にこにこ二足歩行
Smiling biped. Let's walk leisurely with a smile. にこにこ二足歩行。笑顔でのんびり歩きましょう。
LEGO Technic Magazine / レゴテクニックマガジン
The LEGO Discover Technic magazine with a small LEGO Technic set, mainly sold in Europe. You can find me featu […]
Magnetic pen holder / 磁石ペンホルダー
Prototype of a pen holder that magnetically attaches to a steel panel.※ The magnet is not a LEGO product. スチール […]
One stud wide launcher / 1ポッチ幅の発射装置
One stud wide launcher. A similar mechanism was incorporated in the recent Kadomatsu device. Let's launch all […]
Flying Kadomatsu / 門松型かぐや姫帰還装置
Special device to return Kaguya-hime to the moon. Kaguya-hime : […]
Happy New Year / 謹賀新年
Happy New Year, and I wish you and your families good health and prosperity. あけましておめでとうございます。みなさんとみなさんの家族の健康と繁 […]