iPhone Holder / iPhoneホルダー
I don’t use a case for my iPhone. However, I can’t stand it wobbling when I use it on a desk. So, I made a hol […]
Gray Eight Legs / 灰色の八脚
Gray eight legs. Sliding-foot type walking machine. 灰色の八脚。摺り足タイプの歩行機械。
Bear Trap / トラバサミ
The Bear Trap. A hunting implement that is already banned or restricted in many countries and regions. Maybe t […]
PoweredUp app on Mac / MacでPoweredUp
iPhone Mirroring with macOS 15 and iOS 18. It's as if using the PoweredUp App on Mac. In reality, it just hija […]
Technic Move Hub Train / Technic Move Hubで電車
Since I was in the mood, I also made a train with the Technic Move Hub. It's a bit bigger than BOOST Move Hub. […]
Pink Tires Car / ピンク色のタイヤの車
Simplified remote control car using Technic Move Hub. The PoweredUp App does not seem to support this hub yet, […]
Pink two-wheeled vehicle / ピンク色の二輪車
I was happy to get pink tires, so I made a two-wheeler. 😄Move Hub is so handy when building a little bit of so […]
Storm Door Turning Mechanism 2:雨戸回し2
A record of a mechanism that is being lost. Continuing from yesterday's storm door turning. It is simple becau […]