Storm Door Turning Mechanism 2:雨戸回し2
A record of a mechanism that is being lost. Continuing from yesterday's storm door turning. It is simple becau […]
Storm Door Turning Mechanism:雨戸回し
A record of a mechanism that is being lost. A storm door turner in an old Japanese wooden house. The mechanism […]
Experiment to make roller coaster jump. It is easier than I thought. Fun! ローラーコースターをジャンプさせる実験。思いのほか簡単。楽しい。
Kinetic Art-like thing No.2. Study of new knob gear, done for the moment. キネティックアートっぽいもの・その2。新十字ギアの研究、ひと […]
Another study of the new knob gear today. Kinetic art-like thing. 今日も新十字ギアの研究。キネティックアートっぽいもの。
新十字ギアを使った車 2
Vehicle using the new knob gear, part 2. This is a simple expansion and contraction method. 新しい十字ギアを使った乗りもの、その […]
Made a vehicle with the new knob gears. Simple "Atatatata" method. 新しい十字ギアで乗りものに挑戦。シンプルな「アタタタタ」方式。
Thanks to the advent of these parts, it is now possible to make many of the creations more compact. I’m gratef […]