Wind with ship's propeller / スクリューで風
Today's experiment. Generating wind with a ship's propeller. Conclusion, not recommended. 😆 今日の実験。船用のスクリューで風を起 […]
Moving Christmas wreath / 動くクリスマスリース
Today's study piece is a moving Christmas wreath. 今日の研究作品は、動くクリスマスリース。
Glasses chain continued / メガネチェーンの続き
I have modified it to make it easier to attach and detach the chain. The round tile bricks are fixed to the gl […]
Arms that rotate around the axis of a polygonal side / 多角形の辺を軸にして回転する腕
Study of the Day. Arms that rotate around the axis of a polygonal side. With this structure, it is difficult t […]
Pullback Motor Car / プルバックモーターカー
I am playing with pullback motor today. 今日はプルバックモーターで遊んでいる。
Cable Holder / ケーブルホルダー
Sunday Crafts. Increased the number of cable holder on my desk side. The left 3 cables are connected to the Ma […]